Yes we can format your Thesis/Synopsis/Dissertation.

We can type your thesis in ENGLISH, HINDI and PUNJABI.

Color of the thesis depends on the Universities.(kindly see your University`s guidelines.)

A3,A4, Legal,12×18.

Normal Photo Copier, Executive Bond , Premium Paper, Glossy Paper.

There is Estimate Calculator in home Page you can take rough idea of your thesis.

We do have most of universities logos.

We have latest digital machines to complete the job of printing whether it is color or black prints.

We have a link in USEFUL LINKS on our homepage you can convert it there.

There are many options available online Otherwise we can also do it for you.

How do I specify the pages I want printed in color?

You Can send us the notepad file by mentioning the page no written on the pdf page.

Format for Thesis : Paper A4, Margin-1.5″ left, Right 1″ ,Top 1″ Bottom 1″ Line Spacing: 1.5